Grundtvigs Folk High School is one of the oldest Folk High Schools in Denmark. It was founded in 1856. From September to May they offer long courses, where mostly young people between 18 and 25 come to live and study here for 4-5 months. The main subjects are photography, music, radio, art, politics, writing, philosophy, litterature and journalism as well as theatre, film and sports. They normally have students from all over the world; Scandinavia, Europe, USA, Japan and the rest of the world. We require basic Danish language skills from our students. This is because the daily language and the language of our courses is Danish. Grundtvigs Folk High School has over the last 10 years been orgainsing seminars on gang crime and extremism. Søren Lerche is a teacher at Grundtvigs Folks Secondary School in gang crime and social work. He also organizes study trips abroad with a focus on prevention. He has many years of experience in working with marginalised youth, acting as a teacher, mentor and support worker.