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COHESION, Citizenship education on social inclusion, is a three year project and part of the Erasmus+ programme. It is set against a context

of social polarisation, in which there is a strong need for educational methods which emphasise tolerance, inclusion and active citizenship.

The overarching objective of the project will be

to contribute to community cohesion through education, providing inoculation against the radical messages of extremist groups, fostering bonds between schools and families and promoting inclusion, respect and omniculturalism. 

In achieving this objective, the COHESION project is stooled on four main activities:

  • The design of supporting materials for the Citizenship curriculum for secondary school students, already developed under the successful TERRA II programme (;

  • Developing citizenship lesson materials for primary schools based upon mindfulness and inclusion, plus accompanying supporting materials;

  • Developing materials and a framework for a school based family support programme, building on the interconnectedness of schools and families;

  • Developing a network of former members of radical organisations who can contribute to school and student engagement to the lesson programmes.

Who are we?

The activities will be led by Arq Psychotrauma Expert Group (NL), with University College Roosevelt (NL), the Quilliam Foundation (UK), Grundtvigs Højskole (DK), Elegast (BE), Sons and Daughters of the World (DK) and the London Borough of Newham (UK) as project partners. With this consortium, the project aims to reach over 10,000 teachers, students and family members in the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and the United Kingdom.

COHESION is designed to make a significant contribution to resilient societies by supporting
tolerance and inclusion.


In doing so, it will develop and deliver new educational methods, benefitting current and future teachers at both primary and secondary school level and fostering closer ties between schools and the families they serve.

Who are we?

For any further information on the project, or if you have any questions, please contact:

Magda Rooze, project manager 


Sander van Rooijen, researcher


Co-funded by the Erasmus+

Programme of the European Union

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